Documentation and support

On this page we provide documentation and contact information. The documentation is divided in a user manual, describing how to operate the telescope, and separate documents describing the projects one can do with SALSA. Contact information for support can be found at the bottom of the page.

User's manual

Information about how to control the SALSA radio telescope can be found in the SALSA users manual. This document is available for download in English and in Swedish.

Project documentation

  • SALSA is commonly used to observe radio emission from hydrogen to learn about the rotation and structure of our galaxy, the Milky Way. Instructions for doing this project are available for download in English and in Swedish.
  • Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSSs) provide users with positioning, navigation and timing services on a global and regional basis. SALSA allows to track GNSS satellites and observe signals that they transmit. Instructions on how to use radio telescopes for this project are available for download in English.
  • We will add instructions for other projects shortly.

Compare SALSA spectra with state-of-the-art

If you want to compare your SALSA observations with the state-of-the-art observations available from bigger telescopes, you can go to this website to download HI profiles from the GASS and the LAB survey. To get spectra comparable with SALSA, set the effective beamsize to 7 degrees.  


  • A popular science description of SALSA was published by Cathy Horellou and Daniel Johansson in the Swedish magazine "Populär astronomi" 2008. The article is available here (in Swedish).
  • Salsa was mentioned in the article A Radio Astronomical Star Party for those “On The Verge”, describing a star party in Onsala, Sweden in 2012. The article was published in the CAPjournal (issue 13, 2013) by Eva Wirström and Robert Cumming, a PDF is available here

Contact support

If you have any questions, or if you run into problems during your use of SALSA, please first read carefully the User's manual and project instructions above. If you still have questions or found the system is not working as described in the documentation, please contact: