This page shows the schedules for the SALSA telescopes. Times are shown in your selected timezone, edit your account settings to change timezone. To make a reservation: CLICK HERE.
Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun |
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mapping of milkayraeöojearå Brage emilszymonga
Telescope: Torre, Brage
User: sla9898 |
mapping of milkayraeöojearå Brage emilszymonga |
Andromeda observation Brage Jonathan
Andromeda observation Brage Jonathan
school project Vale Em1L_3396
Andromeda observation Brage Jonathan
Galactic Rotation Curve and Dark Matter Distribution Project Brage, Torre, Vale ZlatanD
Andromeda observation Torre Jonathan
FP_ML_preparation fp_ukn_c
Andromeda observation Brage Jonathan
Rotation curve of the Milky Way Torre NicolasPM
Andromeda obs Brage Jonathan
Measure MW rotation velocity Lund University Torre, Vale, Brage Hipparcos
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FP MGSW Torre fp_ukn_c
Rotation curve measurement Torre husvethbence